Saturday, September 29, 2012


The Changes at the Sweet shop The first Change is that we are a sweet shop and bakery we specialize in sweets but we also carry a line of bread, soups etc. The second Change is our Web-site with the help of Click to start we will have a web-site that is amazing and user(JEnny) friendly The third thing is we have teamed up with all kinds of shing diggs for candy table and sweet tables thats right we are now doing amazing sweet tables with sugar figure, donuts candy and so much more The forth thing is our over the top cake stands that we have built one spins and the other changes colour to what ever colour you like. The fifth thing if four was not enough is the company clothing we will be all in matching shirts The sixth thing is we did a show with the fabulous Steve Marks (Roger Cable Midland Steve Marks live) So many good changes but we know with changes it is hard so if i seam a little off the last few month this is why I am so proud to have you all in my life, I believe that all my customers are my sweet shop family Thank you for being a part of my sweet family TTFN Jenny

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Only Days Away

The Timpano Show is only days away and i feel like i need at least another week to get everyting done for it. I am so excited to show all of you what is in store I know that I have been giving a few hints so here is another one we will be have samples this year on normal years I have been against this due to the fact the I can not controll if someone say snezzes on the food or if a child touchs it and then puts it back but this year with Judi Frew from All Kinds of Shin-Diggs I think I will be okay Well off to the oven again TTFN

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not sure how long I can Last

The title may be shocking but it is true We Terry, Judi and I have been working so hard for the last month or two on all the new things for the Sweet Shop that it is almost here to show everyone and I really want to show everyone now. I am normally pretty good at holding secrets but this one I just want to screan and show all of you so bad. So here is a hint for what will happened on Sunday September 23 2012 we will be at the Timpano Wedding show in Midland and that is where everything is being showed off. The 23 of September is important for another reason my business partner Terry also my husband is turning 40 that day so I thought what a great way to show off all the great things that we have been working on. On September 20 at the Sweet shop we will be baking off a brand new line of wait for it Donuts that right you read that line right I wrote DONUTS. That is a clue by the way so stay tuned for more clues everyday TTFN

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Candy Candy Candy

I have been at the sweet shop now for to many hours and only realizing that i have only got 3 types of Candy done for my wedding show, What was I thinking tring to get a 8 foot table and two 4 foot table ready for a wedding show. One table is all candy I just wonder if I have been eating way to much of the stuff. Any way as my blog title states Candy I love making Candy I enjoy watching sugar and water turn into new and amazing things I will keep eveyone updated on all the candies that we have for our Wedding show just keep reading

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012 in review

It is been quite a while since my last blog so here we go, What is new in the bakery? well first of all I have finally come to terms that I do not have a bakery, I have sweet shop with some bakery products. I am fine with this revelation, it is what I truely wanted all along. Next thing that I have found out is that I Love to make people happy with sweets and when they are not happy I take it personally this is not always a good thing. I love what I do but sometime I feel that I need to take a step back and get a fresh look. Well the summer of 2012 was a good one for the sweet shop we met tons of new customers, and found great new products for the store. I had amazing brides this year, and when i say that I truly mean it. I wish them and their family all the best. My one and only staff member Julie has worked and worked some more it was fun to teach her how to decorate cupcake for our crazy cupcake Friday and have her punch out cookies (I think next time I need to tell her 2 trays of cookies are good not 10) She has made me proud to be her boss. Tug fest this year was crazy so many tug boats. Art walk was not what I wanted but when mother nature down pours rain there is not much that you can do. We are now coming into the fall and that is my favorite time, we can make the sweet shop smell so yummy with ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, pecans apples and so many other great smells. The pumpkin pies will be coming out soon same with the caramel cream cheese apple pie.