Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Baking

With Christmas only a week away it makes me remember the reason that I started baking. I get that question why did you start baking professional well its simple I love sweets and there is no better time for sweets then Christmas the smells bring out the kid in all of us.

Some of my favorite sweets are Mint chocolate chip cookies, candy cane bark, caramelized bread pudding, rice pudding with cinnamon and caramel and so many others.

But with all this running around that we do today I have noticed that we do not show our children baking from scratch. It seams that it is so much easier to grab a bag mix or cookies from the shelf.

My son is 9 years old and he already knows how to cook eggs and bacon, sugar cookies soup and many other simple things.
Yet one of the co-op that we had who was 16 could not turn on a stove. This has me worried a lot.

I have decided that I am going to do after school classes for children who want to learn the basics of baking and maybe we will find a "Cakeboss" in the all this.

With saying all of this I would like to wish all of you A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year may this be just the beginning of something truly amazing

All the best
The Staff of Simply Cakes and Sweets